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EU Sustainable Finance Framework: How are the EU Taxonomy, CSRD and SFDR related?

The EU Sustainable Finance Framework seeks to play a significant part in assisting the EU to achieve its climate goals and aid in the long-t...

Victoria tanner g XP Kr8br BOU unsplash 1

Net-zero, carbon-neutral & co: The emissions dictionary

The words net-zero, carbon-neutral, or climate-positive appear more and more frequently in our vocabulary and conversations. But what do the...

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What does the EU Taxonomy mean for the construction and real estate industry?

The building sector plays a crucial role in achieving climate neutrality. Therefore, the EU Taxonomy provides a new framework for classifyin...

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5 common mistakes to avoid in your first ESG report

To ensure your first ESG report yields good results, be aware of these 5 avoidable mistakes.

AMANA Partnership Announcement

From ESG key figure management to a publication-ready annual report with AMANA and Envoria

he software specialists Envoria and AMANA have joined forces to simplify the implementation of an end-to-end process in ESG reporting for la...

Joint venture and data hub Open ESG

Newly founded data hub OpenESG facilitates collection of ESG data

ESG regulations cause high effort for financial service providers and companies – the new data hub openESG offers an innovative solution.

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How to identify your EU Taxonomy business activities

How does a company identify its business activities according to the EU Taxonomy requirements? In this article, we will take a closer look a...

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The rebuttable presumption and its implications for sustainability reporting

Does the rebuttable presumption provide a counterproductive incentive with regard to high quality reporting according to the ESRS?

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Will the ESRS replace the GRI as the gold standard in sustainability reporting?

Could the ESRS surpass the GRI, which is currently the world's most widely used sustainability reporting standard?

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Envoria and firesys simplify annual reporting and ESG reporting

Envoria and firesys have signed a cooperation to help companies meet exponentially growing reporting and disclosure requirements.

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The EU Taxonomy in the international context of sustainability standards

How does the EU Taxonomy stand in international comparison with other sustainability taxonomies?

Kopie von Team Envoria 1 Desktop Hintergrund 7

Seed financing in the millions for Envoria

Financial Software Architects GmbH (FISA) receives seven-figure seed funding for its all-in-one ESG software Envoria.

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Register for our EU Taxonomy expert webinar

In cooperation with our partner WTS Advisory, we will provide you with the latest developments regarding the EU taxonomy on June 21.

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The impact of unstandardized data on ESG reporting

Given the reporting challenges of sustainability metrics, a lot of stakeholders have been pushing for a more standardized reporting framewor...

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How transparency prevents greenwashing

Transparency is the best method to avoid greenwashing and is required to overcome skepticism about company's environmental claims.

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Envoria launches ESG Update - E-Mail Newsletter

Get the latest ESG insights delivered right to your inbox every month with our completely free & monthly cancellable ESG E-Mail Newsletter.


What are the GHG Protocol and scope emissions?

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol provides a globally standardized framework to measure and manage GHG emissions.

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How climate friendly is Envoria?

We want to contribute to the green transformation not only with our software, but also as a company.

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Envoria includes new EU regulations for gas and nuclear activites

The new nuclear and gas activity EU regulations have already been included in the Envoria software, within less than two months.

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EU Taxonomy: The first 2 environmental objectives

Today, the European Commission introduced the first two environmental objectives for the EU Taxonomy via a delegated act.

CSR extension affects 50,000 companies from 2023

The EU Commission finalized a Delegated act, durch den alle Unternehmen in der Europäischen Union ab 250 Mitarbeitern dazu verpflichtet werd...

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Sustainability reporting standards

The wide range of standards and frameworks when it comes to sustainability reporting can be overwhelming. Get an overview on the different i...

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Going where the wind blows

“Going where the wind blows.” In the future, the metaphorical expression could cease to be a mere figure of speech and it could become the b...

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What is a ton of CO2?

Though naturally present in the atmosphere, CO2 is a gas whose uncontrolled emission has been dangerously increasing through human activitie...

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GRI standards

Today, firms and governments must grapple, among others, with the issues of climate change, human rights, institutional governance and socia...

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Climate Action Plan 2030

The recently adopted Climate Action Plan 2030 includes a clear CO2 price regulation that should come into force in 2021, and definite specif...

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The EU Taxonomy

It’s the first serious effort by regulators to regulate a disclosure requirement not against a financial measure or a financial risk measure...

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Envoria is joining the GRI Community

The Global Reporting Initiative, known as GRI, was formed in 1997 with the support of the United Nations and is issuing the most widely adop...

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La durabilité est plus qu'une tendance ; elle devient un élément fondamental de chaque entreprise.

Avec Envoria, vous pouvez facilement mettre en place votre processus ESG et assurer des flux de travail efficaces et simples au sein de votre organisation.
