Actualités ESG

EU fails to approve CSDDD

Feb. 28, 2024

Europe – The planned vote on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) has been postponed for an uncertain period of time. The legislation failed to secure final approval from the European Council due to objections raised by several countries, including Germany and Italy. This comes despite a provisional agreement reached earlier between the Council and the EU Parliament on the regulation.

A 'qualified majority' of 15 EU countries (representing 65% of the EU population) would have been needed before a final vote in the European Parliament, where lawmakers were expected to support the directive.

The directive was designed to promote sustainable and responsible business practices along the entire value chain by integrating human rights and environmental concerns into business operations and corporate governance.

After 4 years of discussion, the vote required for adoption has once again been postponed.

There is still no majority in favor of the European supply chain law among the voting EU nations.

For this reason, the Presidency now wants to "examine the state of play and see whether it is possible to address the concerns raised by the Member States together with the European Parliament."

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