Actualités ESG

Parliament against misleading claims and for product sustainability

May 11, 2023

Europe – The European Parliament has approved the proposal for a new directive on improving product labeling and durability, and tackling misleading claims. It aims to empower consumers to make environmentally friendly choices and encourage companies to offer more durable and sustainable products. It includes provisions to ban the use of general environmental claims such as "environmentally friendly" or "climate neutral" unless they are supported by detailed evidence. Environmental claims based solely on carbon offsetting schemes will be prohibited. The directive further prohibits misleading practices, such as making claims about an entire product when the claim is only true for a part of it. To simplify product information, it allows only sustainability labels based on official certification schemes or those established by public authorities. The Parliament also wants to ban design features that limit a product’s life or lead to premature failure. Producers will not be allowed to limit a product’s functionality when used with consumables, spare parts, or accessories made by other companies.

Source: European Parliament

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